February is American Heart Month, a time for everyone to focus on heart health. To bring awareness to this important topic, all month Rock Hall VFC will be posting information, tips, and educational resources.
Heart Disease is the leading cause of death in America. Although you may think heart disease only affects older adults, it consistently ranks as a top-five cause of death for all age groups 25 and older and almost half of all Americans have at least one of the top 3 risk factors for heart disease: hypertension, high cholesterol, or smoking. For more information about heart disease, its signs and symptoms, and how you can live a heart-healthy lifestyle, please visit the links listed below. Although these links contain a lot of quality information, nothing beats the advice of your doctor. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: https://www.cdc.gov/heartdisease/index.htm American Heart Association: https://www.heart.org/ National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute: https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health-topics/education-and-awareness/heart-month WebMD: https://www.webmd.com/heart/heart-health-tips#1